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Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep. a medical strategy, treatment, or device is safe and effective for humans. CPAP for sleep apnea is one of the commonest treatments for this sleeping disorder. Sleep apnea is Suffering from Sleep Apnea? Here's a guide on the symptoms and treatments of this sleep disorder. Read on for better The answer is simple: CPAP is the best sleep apnea treatment. But what many of my patient's don't realize is that CPAP 18 hours ago The treatment of sleep apnea may be either surgical or nonsurgical. An apnea is a period of time NSMC physicians specialize in medical and surgical treatment for patients with various diseases and health-related This summary of obstructive sleep apnea treatments is adapted from an article written by John Sotos, M.D., a member of
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